Pia Palo


I am a systems thinker, architect and urban designer, with a strong eye for graphic design and visual communication. 

My interests lie at the intersection between the social and the physical, in understanding lived experiences and realities, and in how experimental and artistic processes can be used to critically think and talk about how and for whom we build our cities.


Open for new opportunities!Strategic design/systems thinking/architecture/urban planning/graphic design

Research Assistant Chalmers University of Technology, dept. Of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)
2023 - ongoing (part-time)
Supporting research into the relationship between bottom-up practices and circularity initiatives. Conducting interviews and workshops, mapping networks and socio-spatial relationships.

Project manager Nordic Viewpoint
2023 - 2024
Planning, leading and managing projects in the quantitative and qualitative fields of market research. Participation in the ongoing development of internal practices/processes for project management.

Consultant work, architecture For Familjebostäder (a local housing company in Gothenburg)
Fall 2022
Preparatory work aimed at developing proposals for the adaptation of existing premises in Bergsjön, Gothenburg, to common spaces.


Master’s degree From the program “Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability”
Chalmers School of Architecture, 120 ECTS
2021 - 2023
The master's program Planning and Design Beyond Sustainability takes of in real situations, with close contact with local stakeholders and the everyday life of people, and focuses on finding solutions for challenges in a rapidly changing world.

Bachelor’s degree Umeå School of Architecture, 180 ECTS
2018 - 2021
A school with strong connections both to the local and the global, with a focus on exploration and experimentation. Operating in between the artistic, scientific and professional the school works with the notion of architecture as an interdisciplinary practice.

Exchange semester Aarhus School of Architecture
january 2020 - june 2020

Other courses: Architecture, gender and norm-creative design, 3 ECTS
Chalmers School of Architecture
HT 2022

Global ethics, 7,5 ECTS
Stockholm University
Summer of 2022

Sociology - Feminist perspectives on crisis, crisis prevention and crisis management, 7,5 ECTS
Mid-Sweden University
Summer of 2022

Sociology - Norrland: Critical perspectives on place and power, 7,5 ECTS
Mid-Sweden University
Summer of 2021

Other projects

Exhibition - Arkitektur i gränslandet Master thesis “Experiments, imaginaries, desires” exhibited at Röhsskas Architecture days. Röhsska museet, Gothenburg, 2023.

Magazine publicationUMAN Magazine, 7th edition “On Hold”
Editor in chief and creative director

Magazine publicationUMAN Magazine, 6th edition “Beauty”
Forum coordinator

Publication - master’s thesis Lundin, J., Palo, P. (2023). Experiments, imaginaries, desires: Searching for a space of resistance [Master’s thesis, Chalmers University of Technology]. Chalmers Open Digital Repository. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12380/306678